主要从事操作系统、系统安全和大型软件系统级优化等发面的研究。参与中科院先导专项1项,国家自然科学基金1项,广东省重点研发计划1项,主持深圳市定向支持计划1项。先后在IEEE Transactions on Computers、计算机学报、计算机研究与发展、电子学报等国内外一流期刊发表多篇论文。同时,李勇钢博士还担任ACM Computing Survey、IEEE Access等SCI论文的审稿专家。
1. Yonggang Li, Yeh-Ching Chung, Kai Hwang, and YueJin Li, “Rootkit Filtering on Linux Servers by Activity Tracing of Kernel Modules,” IEEE Transactions on Computers (CCF-A).
2. YongGang Li, Yun Wu, et al. RMVP: A real-time method to monitor random processes of virtual machine[J], IEEE Access, 2019, (7): 15845 - 15860 . (SCI)
3. Li Y G, Cui C Y, Sun B Y, et al. HODetector: The Hidden Objects Detection Based on Static Semantic Information Library Outside Virtual Machine[J]. Journal of Internet Technology, 2018, 19(5): 1393-1400. (SCI)
4. Li Y G , Cui C Y , Wu Y , et al. VMMF: Virtual Machine Memory Forensics Based on Event Trigger Mechanism,in International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Intellectualization . (EI)
5. 李勇钢,崔超远,乌云,孙丙宇.基于快速语义修复的操作系统隐藏对象检测技术[J].电子学报, 2018, 46(05): 1025-1031. (EI)
6. 崔超远,李勇钢,乌云,孙丙宇.基于自适应机制的虚拟机进程实时监视方法[J/OL].计算机学报, 2017: 1-16.(EI,)
7. 崔超远,李勇钢,乌云,王励成.一种基于隐藏事件触发机制的内存取证方法[J].计算机研究与发展,2018,55(10):2278-2290. (EI)