学术报告-Question Generation using Natural Language Processing
报告题目:Question Generation using Natural Language Processing
报告专家:See-Kiong Ng(黄思强)新加坡国立大学计算学院教授
报告时间:2022年1月7日 上午10:00
报告地点:腾讯会议(ID: 282290675)
主办单位:伟德国际victor1946 伟德国际1946bv官网
Question generation is an important skill for chatbots in order to engage in human-like conversations. It involves learning “what to ask” and “how to ask” given an input passage: the former requires the ability to find the salient information in the input passage to ask questions about, while the latter involves generating an answer-related question given a selected salient information as the target answer. In this talk, we present our recent works on learning what to ask relevantly using domain-centric content selection for an art docent application, and how to ask differently with fact-infused question paraphrasing.
Speaker bio:
See-Kiong Ng (Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University) is a Professor of Practice at the Department of Computer Science of the School of Computing at National University of Singapore (NUS), and the Deputy Director of the university’s Institute of Data Science. See-Kiong obtained his Bachelor (1989), Masters (1993), and Ph.D. (1998) degrees in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters (1991) degree in Artificial Intelligence from University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining NUS in 2016, See-Kiong was a Programme Director of the Urban Systems Initiative by the Science and Engineering Research Council of the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the founding head and principle scientist of its Data Mining Department. Currently, See-Kiong’s mission at NUS is to leverage his data science and AI expertise for transdisciplinary and translational research into important real-life problems and education of the next generation of data scientists. From using the computation of data to better understand the biology of the human body, See-Kiong is using machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand the “biology” of complex human cities and societies and creating real-world impact with the science of data.
问题生成是聊天机器人进行类似人类对话的一项重要技能。 它涉及在给定输入段落的情况下学习“问什么”和“如何问”:前者需要能够找到输入段落中显著的信息以提出问题,而后者则涉及在给定一个选定显著信息作为目标答案的情况下生成与答案相关的问题。在本次讨论中,我们展示了我们最近的工作,对于艺术讲解员的应用程序,涉及使用以领域为中心的内容选择学习怎样去问,以及如何通过注入事实的问题释义进行不同的提问。